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dbilas dynamic Stainless steel Exhaust system Opel Corsa B Turbo 2x80mm round

dbilas dynamic Stainless steel Exhaust system Opel Corsa B Turbo 2x80mm round
Our previous price 499,00 EUR
Now only 399,00 EUR
you save 20 % / 100,00 EUR

19 % VAT incl. Free Shipping

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National Shipping



Package up to 10 kg
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm **

6,90 €

Package up to 20 kg
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm

11,90 €

Package up to 31,5 kg
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm

13,90 €

Maxitransport up to 100 kg
max. 4 m³


DHL Package International


Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

up to 5 kg
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm

17,00 € **

30,00 €

35,00 €

40,00 €

up to 10 kg
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm

22,00 € **

35,00 €

45,00 €

55,00 €

up to 20 kg
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm

32,00 € *

45,00 €

65,00 €

85,00 €

up to 31,5 kg **
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm

42,00 € *

55,00 €

85,00 €

115,00 €

Das DHL Paket International mit Service Premium wird bevorzugt und immer auf dem schnellsten Weg ins Zielland transportiert.
Zudem beinhaltet der Service Premium eine Haftung bis 500 Euro.

Maße Gewicht Preis (EUR)
Online oder Filiale
Zone 1
Zone 2
 Zone 3
Zone 4
min. 15 x 10 x 1cm
max. 120 x 60 x 60 cm
bis 5 kg +7,00 +8,50 +17,00 +22,00
bis 10 kg +9,00 +12,00 +34,00 +44,00
bis 20 kg +13,00 +19,00 +68,00 +88,00
bis 31,5 kg +17,00 +26,00 +102,00 +132,00

Der Preis wird zusätzlich zum Paketpreis erhoben.

* Price includes VAT. (19 %)

** Max. combined length and girth (= L + 2xB + 2xH) 300 cm

Zone 1) Belgium, Monaco, Bulgaria, Netherlands (except non-European territories), Denmark (except the Faroe Islands, Greenland), Austria, Estonia, Poland, Finland (except the Åland Islands), Portugal, France (except overseas departments and territories), Romania, Greece (except Mount Athos), Sweden, United Kingdom (except the Channel Islands), Slovakia, Ireland, Slovenia, Italy (except Livigno and Campione d’Italia), Spain (except the Canary Islands, Ceuta + Melilla), Latvia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Hungary, Luxembourg, Cyprus (except Northern Cyprus), Malta

Zone 2) Åland Islands (Finland), Kosovo (Serbian province), Andorra, Croatia, Albania, Liechtenstein, Armenia, Livigno (Italy), Azerbaijan, Belarus, Melilla (Spain), Mount Athos (Greece), Moldavia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Campione d’Italia (Italy), Norway, Ceuta (Spain), Russian Federation,Faroe Islands (Denmark), San Marino, Georgia, Switzerland, Gibraltar (United Kingdom), Serbia, Greenland (Denmark), Skopje, Turkey, Iceland, Ukraine, Channel Islands (United Kingdom), Vatican City, Canary Islands (Spain), Cyprus (Northern Cyprus), Kazakhstand

Zone 3) Egypt, Kuwait, Algeria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Morocco, Iraq, Oman, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, United States of America

Zone 4) All countries and territories not covered by zones 1, 2 or 3.



within Germany

up to 5 kg 10,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 12,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 17,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 24,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 43,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 46,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 48,00 EUR


Zone 3 BE,DK,LU,NL,CZ,

up to 5 kg 19,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 21,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 29,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 39,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 52,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 60,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 69,00 EUR


Zone 31 PL, SK, SI,

up to 5 kg 31,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 33,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 42,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 55,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 70,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 81,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 90,00 EUR



up to 5 kg 31,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 33,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 41,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 56,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 72,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 98,00 EUR



up to 5 kg 39,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 41,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 53,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 71,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 90,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 107,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 118,00 EUR


Zone 5 GR, IE, IT, PT,ES, SM,

up to 5 kg 45,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 47,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 62,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 80,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 103,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 119,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 129,00 EUR



up to 5 kg 48,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 50,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 68,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 98,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 127,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 138,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 146,00 EUR


Zone 7 TR,

up to 5 kg 49,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 56,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 83,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 100,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 133,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 150,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 156,00 EUR


UPS Express

within Germany

up to 5 kg 30,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 32,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 54,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 71,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 85,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 88,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 92,00 EUR


Zone 2 BE, DK,LU,NL

up to 5 kg 81,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 106,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 143,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 180,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 215,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 231,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 347,00 EUR


Zone 3 GB,FR,IT,MC,CZ,

up to 5 kg 114,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 160,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 208,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 260,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 302,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 321,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 341,00 EUR



up to 5 kg 125,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 176,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 232,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 292,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 342,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 367,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 392,00 EUR


Zone 41 PL,SK,SI,HU

up to 5 kg 160,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 227,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 318,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 383,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 441,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 470,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 499,00 EUR


Zone 42 BG,CY

up to 5 kg 162,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 229,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 318,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 390,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 448,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 478,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 508,00 EUR


Zone 5 AD,JE,LI,NO,CH,

up to 5 kg 115,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 160,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 210,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 256,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 295,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 314,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 333,00 EUR


Zone 6 AL, AM, AZ, BY, BA, ES, FO, GE, GI, GL, IS, GG, IC, KZ, KG, HR, MK, MD, ME, RU, SM, RS, TJ, TR, TM, UA, UZ, BY,

up to 5 kg 173,00 EUR

up to 10 kg 246,00 EUR

up to 20 kg 343,00 EUR

up to 30 kg 417,00 EUR

up to 40 kg 481,00 EUR

up to 45 kg 513,00 EUR

up to 50 kg 546,00 EUR






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